Alphabetical by last name, as the names appear on the tombstones.
/ = Line-break.
[?] = unclear, missing, indecipherable character.
Click on the image below to see the location of each grave.
Auerbach, Israel. 1862-1916
פ”נ אבינו איש תם וישר משכיל על דבר אמת ר׳ ישראל חיים בר משה שמואל אווערבּאך הלך לעולמו בּיום כ׳׳ו תמוז תרע׳׳ו ת׳נ׳צ׳ב׳ה׳
(Here Interred our father the honest and decent man educated in matters of truth Mr. Yisrael Haim son of Moshe Shemuel Auerbach died the twenty-sixth [?] day of Tamuz 5676 [1916] May his soul be bound in the bond of life)
Auerbach, Sarah. 1862-1915
פ״נ / אמנו היקרה אשה תמימה וישרה / מרת שרה אווערבּאךְ / הלכה לעולמה בּיום ו ג טבת תרעו / בת שלש וחמשים שנה / ת׳נ׳צ׳ב׳ה
(Here Interred / Our Dear Mother an Unpretentious and Upright Woman / Ms Sarah Auerbach / Went to Eternity on Friday 3 Tevet 676 [AM 5676] / Age Fifty-Three / TNZBH [May her Soul be Bound up in the Bond of Life])
Auerbach, baby. (Unmarked) (Infant Area)
Bender, Kiva. April 1858 – 24 June 1913
פ״נ / איש תם וישר / מו״ה עקיבא מיכל בענדיר / בן שמריהו נולד ניסן / תרי״ח ונפטר כ׳ סיון / תרע״ג ת׳נ׳צ׳ב׳ה׳
(Here Interred / An Unpretentious and Upright Man / Our Teacher and Master [Rabbi] Aqiva Mikhael Bender / son of Shemaryahu born Nisan / 618 [AM 5618] and died 20 Sivan / 673 [AM 5673] TNZBH [May his Soul be Bound up in the Bond of Life])
Bender, Rose. (Unmarked) (Infant Area)
Becker, Maxine Sally. 1926 – 1932
Berman, Nathan. (Unmarked) (Infant Area)
Bloom, Mr. [Bloom, Lipman]. 5 January 1873 – 14 May 1913
פ״נ / אחינו איש תם וישר הבחור / ליפמאן בן יעקב נולד תרל״ג / ונפטר ביום ד׳ ז׳ אייר תרע״ג / ת׳נ׳צ׳בּ׳ה׳
(Here Interred / Our Brother an Unpretentious and Upright Young Man / Lipman son of Ya`aqov born 633 [AM 5633] / and died Wednesday 7 Iyar 673 [AM 5673] / TNZBH [May his Soul be Bound up in the Bond of Life])
Note: The image on the monument, next to the photo, is of a broken sapling indicating a person who died at an early age.
Dorfman, Freda. d. 25 January 1915, age 33
פ״נ / האשה הצדקנית / מרת פריידע / דארפמאן / בת ר׳ ניסן קרעמער / ת׳נ׳צ׳נ׳ה / נולדה בשנת תרמ״ב / ופרחה נשמתה י״ד שבט / תרע״ה
(Here Interred / The Righteous Woman / Ms Freda / Dorfman / daughter of Mr Nisan Kremer / TNZBH [May her Soul be Bound up in the Bond of Life] / Born in the Year 642 / Her Soul Departed 14 Shevat / 675 [AM 5675])
Ewart, Golda. (Unmarked)
Fenick, Alta. (Unmarked)
Filler, Rebecca. d. 18 February 1923, age 37
פ״נ / האשה נכבדה מ׳ / רבקה בת ר׳ דובער / פילער / נפ׳ ב׳ אדר תרפ״ג ל״ק / ת׳נ׳צ׳ב׳ה׳
(Here Interred / The Honorable Woman Ms / Rivqa daughter of Mr. Dovber / Filler / Died 2 Adar 683 minor era [AM 5683] / TNZBH [May her Soul be Bound up in the Bond of Life])
Note: Born in Russia, 1886; wife of Joseph Filler; mother of Israel [Esrael, Isador], Harry, Fanny, Sam; lived in or near Ashley, ND, 1910; lived in Rosenthal, ND, 1915; lived in Hosmer, Edmunds County, SD, 1920.
Friedman, baby. (Unmarked) (Infant Area)
Goldstone, Isadore. 10 August 1921 – 17 November 1921 (A.K.A. Idel Goldstone, son of Joseph Goldstone & Esther Juster, Eureka, SD)
הילד יהודה בן יוסף גאלדסטאן נפ’ ט”ז חשון תרכב לפ”ק ת’נ’צ’ב’ה’
(The lad Yehuda ben Yosef Goldstone, died 16 Heshvan 5682 [1922] May his soul be bound in the bond of life)(Infant Area)
Grossman, Yitzchak (Isadore).
פ”נ ר’ יצחק בר אלכסנדר גראסמאן נפטר יום א כ”א לחודש שבט תרע”ה נולד בשנת תרכ”ט לפ”ק תהי נפשו צרירה בצריר החיים
(Here Interred Reb Yitzchkak ben Reb Alexander Grossman. Died on Sunday, 21 days in the month of Shevat 5678. Born in the year 5629. May his soul be bound up in the bond of everlasting life)
Grossman, Yehudah Leb.
פּ״נ / ר׳ יהודא לייב / ב״ר אלכסנדר / גראסמאן / נפטר יום ג׳ / ט״ז לחודש / חשון שנת / תרעט / נולד שנת / תרמג [?] לפ״ק / תהי נפשו צרורה בצרור החיים
(Here Interred Reb Yehuda Leib ben Reb Alexander Grossman Died on Tuesday 9 days in the month of Heshvan 5672. Born in the year 5623. May his soul be bound up in the bond of everlasting life)
Grossman, Chaim Yosef (Joseph).
פ״נ / הבחור הנעלה / מר חיים יוסף / ב״ה יצחק / גראסמאן / נפטר יום שנ׳ / י״ד לחודש / חשון שנת / ת׳ר׳ע״ז לפ״ק / נולד שנת / ת׳ר׳ס״א לפ״ק / תהי נשמתו / שרורה / בשרור / החיים
(Here Interred / The esteemed young man / Mr. Chaim Yosef / ben [son of] Reb Yitzchak / Grossman / Died on Tuesday / 14 days in the month of / Heshvan 5677 / Born in the year 5661 / May his soul be bound up in the bond of everlasting life)
Born 1900; died 10 November 1916. Note: Some characters representing the dates are hard to read; the dates shown here are partially based on external records. The 1910 U.S. Census shows him, as of 20 May 1910, as age 9.)
Jampolsky [Jampolsky, Yehiel Hayyim]. d. 1918 [7 November 1918]
פ״נ / האיש היקר נחמד ונכבד ירא / אל״־ם יחיאל חיים בר משה ליב / זאמפאלסקי מת ג״ ימים לחדש / כסליו שנת תרע״ט לפ״ק 1918 / ת׳נ׳צ׳ב׳ה
(Here Interred / The dear beloved honored / God-fearing man Yehiel Haim bar Moshe Leib / Zampolsky died 3rd of the month / Kislev year 5679 AH 1918 / May His Soul be Bound Up in the Bond of Life)
Ourach [Ourach, David]. [d. 5 March 1924] age 13
(Son of Getzel & Gossia Ourach, brother of Philip Ourach; farmers; lived in Lehr, ND)
פ״נ / דוד / בן געציל / נפטר / ניסן א׳ / תרפ״ד
(Here Interred / David / ben Getzil / died / 1 Nisan / 5684)
Parkansky, Mrs. d. 8 October 1918
Raich, ???? [Girl]. (Unmarked) (Infant Area)
Note: Girl, b. 5 June 1913, d. 5 June 1913, daughter of Samuel Raich & Clara Yager, Venturia, N.D. According to the certificate of death, she was buried in the “Jewish Cemetery” in Ashley, ND, under the care of Rabbi [Julius] Hess. Her first name appears on the death certificate, but the reading is uncertain.
Raich, Frieda. 13 June 1916 – 27 October 1918 (Infant Area)
Our Beloved / Baby / Frieda Raich / Born / June 13, 1916 / Died / Oct. 27, 1918
Raich, Joseph G. d. 10 June 1918, age 41
פ״נ / איש נכבד ר׳ / יוסף גבריאל / ב״ר שמעון הלוי / נפטר א׳ ד׳ר׳ח׳ סיון תר״עה ל״ק / ת׳נ׳צ׳ב׳ה׳
(Here Interred / The honorable Mr. / Yosef Gavriel / son of Mr. Shimon HaLevi / Died First Day of Rosh Hodesh Sivan 675 minor era [AM 5675] / TNZBH [May his Soul be Bound up in the Bond of Life])
Note: Joseph Gavriel Raich, b. 7 Nov 1887 Husi (Hoceni) Romania; brother of Sam Raich, Jacob S. Raich, and David Raich; son of Simon Raich & Frieda Redman. Appellation “HaLevi” in monument inscription refers to patrilineal tribal membership.
Reuben, Benjeman B. 10 October 1910 – 11 November 1918
(=Benjamin B. Reuben, son of Yehuda Lev Rabyn & Mirel Chaplik)
Ruebin, Mrs. 08 March 1870 – 29 July 1913 (=Mirel Chaplik Reuben)
פ״נ אשה חשובה מרת מירל ראבין בת משה נולדה תרכט ונפטרה י״א תמוז תרעג תנצבה
(Here Interred The esteemed woman Mrs. Mirel Rabyn daughter of Moshe born 5629 [1869/1870] and died 11 Tamuz 5673 [1913] May her soul be bound in the bond of life)
Note: The civil date on the monument July 29, 1913
is according to the Julian calendar. The date 11 Tamuz 5673 corresponds with 16 July 1913 on the modern calendar.
Rubin, baby. (Unmarked) (Infant Area)
Silver, baby. (Unmarked) (Infant Area)
Schlasinger, Mary. (Unmarked) (Infant Area)
Silverleib, Fayga. d. 20 May 1916, age 32
פנ / האשה הצניעה / פייגה / בת ר מרדכי סילווערלייב / [?] [?] [?]פ[?] יז אייר תרעו / May 20, 1916 / [?] [?] [?] [?] / [?] [?] [?] [?] YRS. 32. Old / תנצבה
(Here Interred The modest woman Fayga daughter of Reb Mordechai Silberleib. Died Iyar 5676 [= 20 May 1916]. 32 Years Old.)
May 20, 1916. Yrs. 30. Old.
Silverleib, Nochem. d. 7 April 1918
איש תם וישר מר נחום בר פינחס סילװערלײבּ נפטר בּיום א׳ כה׳ ניסנ [sic] שנת תרעח תּ׳נ׳ע[sic]׳בּ׳הח[sic]
([Here Interred] The honest and decent man Mr. Nahum son of Pinhas Silberleib died Sunday 25 Nisan 5678 May his soul be bound up in the bond of life)
Silverleib, baby. (Unmarked) (Infant Area)
Smilowitz, Isador. 11 January 1903 – 11 December 1919
פ״נ / הבחור / שלומ זושא / בן שמשון / נפטר י״ט / כסלו ת׳ר׳פ׳ /
לק ת׳נ׳צ׳ב׳ה׳
(Here Interred / The Youth / Shalom Zusha / ben Shimshon / Died 19 / Kislev 5680 / AH [abbr.] May His Soul Be Bound Up in the Bond of Life)
Weil, Jacob. 1932
Unidentified Infants (Unmarked) (Infant Area) Several or Many