
L-R: Jerry Klinger, Rebecca Bender, Stuart Kaufman, Jon-Jay Tilsen - May 2017

On May 21, 2017, at the Rededication of the Cemetery, two Dakota rock boulders with educational plaques were unveiled. It took a multi-state team of sandblasters, flat-bed and fork-lift drivers, and gravel depositors to set the two stones (one 3540 pounds, the other 4080 pounds) safely. Beyond the historical text on the plaques, the boulders evoke the rocks which the homesteaders cleared from their land prior to planting, the two scrolls of the Torah (Five Books of Moses), and the challenges faced by the Jewish homesteaders in their countries of origin and in farming the land in America. From the back of the boulders, some see the silhouettes of the boulders as reminiscent of Jews praying beneath talitot (prayer shawls).